Ethiopian Media
Women Association

We are a non-partisan, non-profit association established in 1999 by like-minded female journalists and media professionals.

To excel is to reach your own highest dream
But you must also help others, where and when you can, to reach theirs

Barbara Walters

Empower and train

Create networks with national and international media houses, women professional organizations and other organizations working with /for women

Empower and train

Create networks with national and international media houses, women professional organizations and other organizations working with /for women

About Us

Ethiopian Media Women Association (EMWA) is non-partisan, non-for-profit association established by likeminded female journalists and media professionals. EMWA came into existence in 1999.Since 1999, EMWA has been working towards the realization of its objectives by implementing various projects and programs. In its pervious objectives, EMWA was working on raising the skills of media professionals and practitioners, enabling women to own and become beneficiary of alternative and community media, creating gender sensitive media in Ethiopia, improving women access and participation in the media, improving the image of women in the media, taking the media as a target and representation of women in the media as well as the public’s perspective.

Women Experts
Directory Is Available Now

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  • 200+ Professional Expertise

  • Hardcopy and Softcopy available

  • Skilled Journalists all over Ethiopia

On going Activities

  • Conduct research in the field of media and women issues (about the turnout of female journalists and why they are not participated in hard issues and investigative journalism. etc.)
  • Improve women journalists’ skills (reporting, content development, photographing, IT)
  • Solicits fellowship programs and scholarships for members (within and out of the country)
  • Works to enhance members’ skill maternal health, newborn child health and nutrition in reaching women.
  • Work through the media to end Female Gentile Mutilation (FGM) and other harmful traditional practices (HTPs)
  • Make data base of its member,
  • Project Media literacy campaigns on different women and social issues, (media usage, peace & conflict resolution)


EMWA was founded by likeminded female journalists and media professionals in 1999.

The association has General Assembly, Executive board composed of seven members and a secretariat.

EMWA is open for female journalists, communication and media practitioners from government and private media. The EMWA’s by-law also allows interested people to join EMWA as associate members.

Membership Registration

If you are interested to be a member of the Ethiopian Media Women Association, register now.

Contact Us

+251 977 30 00 31

+251 111116852/62

P.O. Box:  6473 Addis Ababa

Support Us

Ethiopian Media Women Association
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
Lideta branch.

Account Number: 1000002275973

 Swift Cod: CBETETAA
