Ethiopian Media Women Association (EMWA) is non-partisan, non-for-profit association established by likeminded female journalists and media professionals. EMWA came into existence in 1999.Since 1999, EMWA has been working towards the realization of its objectives by implementing various projects and programs. In its pervious objectives, EMWA was working on raising the skills of media professionals and practitioners, enabling women to own and become beneficiary of alternative and community media, creating gender sensitive media in Ethiopia, improving women access and participation in the media, improving the image of women in the media, taking the media as a target and representation of women in the media as well as the public’s perspective.
EMWA was founded by likeminded female journalists and media professionals in 1999.
The association has General Assembly, Executive board composed of seven members and a secretariat.
EMWA is open for female journalists, communication and media practitioners from government and private media. The EMWA’s by-law also allows interested people to join EMWA as associate members.
If you are interested to be a member of the Ethiopian Media Women Association, register now.
Ethiopian Media Women Association
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
Lideta branch.
Account Number: 1000002275973